Oops! I Gained a Few Fat Rolls

Sometimes I feel like I’m living on a roller coaster with regard to my body. All of a sudden (doesn’t it always feel like “all of a sudden” even though it was probably gradual?) my clothes aren’t fitting like I know they should. And then there’s that fatal day where there’s no way you’re wearing these jeans today! No way! Not if I want to breathe!

That’s when I get on the roller coaster again and hang on for dear life. I take the deep fall and plunge into full-on “this is coming off no matter what I need to do” mode. Today, I’m in those jeans… but three weeks ago, I couldn’t say that. Why? Why is this always such a challenge struggle pain in the butt?

Maybe because weight gain is so so easy to do. Maybe because I stopped taking care of myself. Maybe because eating whatever I wanted was soothing that ache in my heart. Maybe because food seems to cure loneliness. Maybe because I was visiting my grandson and wanted to eat like a three year old.

Maybe all of the above.

As women we tend to take care of others before we tend to ourselves. This is so twisted. If we are not taking care of us, there is no way we can fully care for another. And that’s the first step when I’ve gotten on that roller coaster ride, again.

The first step is to take inventory and see where I’ve let myself down, where I’ve neglected what I need, where I’ve ignored the signs that I need a mental health day.

You may be wondering, How? How do you just take off the extra that found itself on your body? Good question.

  1. Fully accept myself exactly as I am, extra weight, not wearing my favorite jeans and all. Love myself. All of it. And recognize I may not be totally happy but hubby shouldn’t have to pay for that—as in, keep “active” in the love department. Plus, that burns calories anyway.
  2. Don’t pull away from relationships. When I’m not feeling my best, I tend to hibernate. Truth: No one cares what jeans I’m wearing! (Except maybe my son when my “mom jeans” are baggy and he doesn’t want to go to the grocery store with me.) Relationships are what will fuel good health and a healthy body. In this new “challenge” of slimming back down, I need to maintain all of my relationships and especially my marriage.  Which, by the way, is usually the first to take a hit when I’ve taken a bad turn.
  3. Get active and move. Some form of exercise is critical, even if it’s a walk or parking at the far end of all stores. Move. Move. Don’t stay sedentary. In this season it is so easy to sit in front of the TV and eat popcorn or ice cream. Choose to move instead.
  4. I don’t buy new clothes. If I do, then I am way less likely to be motivated to stay on the track of self-care. For me, buying new clothes at this stage is dangerous and giving up. Hey, I’ve got nothing against buying new clothes—I love new outfits—but if I acquiesce to a bigger size I may never turn back. Please don’t hate me for this one, it’s not the answer for everyone, but it works for me.
  5. Be honest about everything that passes my lips. It is so easy to convince myself, I didn’t really eat that much! I shouldn’t be gaining weight! Bottom line: If the shorts don’t fit, it’s time to recommit. Time to take inventory and see where the extra flab is coming from.
  6. Take action. Time to double down on veggies, cut out sugar, limit carbs, and get the protein I need. Also critical, is to make sure I never get too hungry. Hunger will destroy you. Hangry, when I’m hangry I destroy everyone and everything in my path. Look out! Coming through! If this means an extra serving of veggies with a side of apple, then I do it.
  7. One day at a time. I take care of me, one day at a time by making good choices physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

How about you? Do you ever find yourself on the diet roller coaster? I feel you, sister, I feel you! Please take care of you and do whatever you need. And remember this…

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

-Ephesians 2:10



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