Embracing Your Spouse and All Their Stupid Stuff

What do you do when you do embarrassing stupid stuff? Do you try to hide it from others? Do you keep it to yourself and tell no one? Well, what I do is write about it, and then share it with as many people as possible. That’s what makes me so fun.

I was on the flyaway bus headed to Los Angeles International Airport. My heart was sad because I just said goodbye to my husband—walking away from him with luggage in tow as my eyes teared up. Even after thirty-five years it’s still hard to leave him while I go on trips.

I needed to get off the bus at stop Four.

One. I don’t think the driver said it was stop One, I’d really better pay attention. The last thing I want to do would be to get off at the wrong stop.

Two. Okay, I heard him that time, but just barely.

Three. Some people are so stupid. How embarrassing would it be to get off at the wrong stop and then have to walk back on the bus? That will never happen to me.

Four. Okay, that’s your stop. I walked all the way from the back of the bus and exited with shoulders held high and carry on in hand. As I got off the bus the driver was shutting the luggage bin. My bag wasn’t there! Oh no! My bag didn’t get on the bus. This is terrible! “Four?” I said to the guy. “Get back on the bus lady, this is the International stop.”

Apparently, he hadn’t said, Four! I just heard, Four! in my head. My first thought was to demand my bag, and then walk the rest of the way to terminal Four and avoid being that person who has to walk BACK ON THE BUS AFTER GETTING OFF AT THE WRONG STOP. I knew every passenger had seen me because I was way in the back.

With my shoulders slumped, I sleeked back on the bus and sat as soon as I could find an empty seat.

In hindsight, I wish I had made an announcement to all the passengers—who I know were snickering to themselves—about the stop being International and had made a funny joke about getting off too soon….but I didn’t. That genius thought didn’t come until after.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’m that silly person who got off at the wrong stop. As we approached stop Four the passengers in the front were making jokes about it being stop Four. That’s okay. I know I’m loved at home, go ahead and make fun of me. LOL. It really just make me laugh to myself.

Now, my husband would never have done something like this. But he will not be at all surprised to find out that I did.

Yes, honey, this happened after you dropped me off. I know you’re glad you weren’t with me. Ha-ha-ha!

And here’s my point y’all.

My husband doesn’t try to change me. He knows I’m prone to take social risks, and then, accept whatever may be. I’m a bit more silly than he is, and I laugh at almost everything. (Hyperbole there.) I know he’s more prone to be more conscientious about his actions. I wander through restaurants before I find out where the bathroom is. He always knows where the restroom is before he heads off to find it.

In marriage we need to allow each other our differences and not chastise our spouse because they are not like us.

Do you find yourself getting frustrated because your spouse doesn’t handle certain situations like you would?

Do you put the way you look at life and try to get your spouse to adopt that same view?

Do you have a system for how you get things done? Are you pushing that system on your spouse?

Let’s embrace the person we are with, and accept them for who they are—stupid stuff and all.

A note to my husband: Thank you for not trying to change me. Even though I can be really silly.



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