4 Break Through Truths For a Strong Marriage

As I drove down a well-traveled street with big trees and wavy hilly sidewalks, I noticed how the roots had cracked and uprooted the sidewalk. In multiply areas. These trees where so strong as to break through cement! For some crazy reason it got me thinking about marriage. Imagine the giant tree as your marriage and the roots as diversity, struggle, grit, and longevity cracking through cement and going strong. What if with each passing year your marriage grew stronger and stronger with strong big roots growing and growing, and as time passed you felt more joy, more love, more contentment?

What would it take to have a marriage like this?

4 Marriage Principles For a Lasting Break-Through-Cement Strong Marriage

1. Unaltered Commitment

If a marriage is going to last we need a commitment that says, no matter what! I’m sticking it out. There will be hard and difficult times, and times where you’d like to run, but we need to understand that this is part of marriage. It’s unusual to hear from a couple who’ve been married for any significant amount of time who doesn’t say they’ve worked through tough times. We need to hang on to our marriage commitment the way a Pitbull dog hangs on to a chicken leg. Marriage is a sacred commitment, and not having unaltered commitment will turn it into chop suey. (You may like chop suey, as do I, but for this illustration think mushy, messy, flop.) When we are completely committed to our marriage vows, and we know our spouse is as well, we can give it our all and love all out. And God will honor this type of marriage, and you will see abundance in your life.

2. Honesty

As soon as your spouse finds you have told them one lie, no matter how small you think it is, it will be difficult to establish trust again. Be honest, but not too honest! Some thoughts should stay in your head, if you know what I mean. *raised eyebrow, head stilt

3. Other Centeredness

The best marriages are those where each partner is in competition to raise up the other. It’s not, I hope he empties the dish washer. It’s I want to empty it before he does. It’s not, why hasn’t she made our bed? It’s I’m going to make the bed before she can get to it. It’s not, why hasn’t he complimented my haircut or dress? It’s how can I praise him today? It’s not, why hasn’t she noticed all the work I did around here? It’s letting her know how beautiful she looks today. A daily question is, How can I bless them today.

4. A Willingness to Follow Scripture Always

We sometimes like to glance over verses in the Bible that we find hardest to follow but those are the ones we need to pay most attention to.

How about this one?

Look at what it says in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

If both husband and wife use the Bible as their guide for life and for their authority they will indeed have a union that is unbreakable and solid and will break through cement!

Marriage is under attack today. Your marriage is under attack. Be vigilant in fighting for your marriage. Fight for your marriage by being the best spouse you can possibly be. Be other centered. Think of the other above yourself. Love with all you have.

And then…

Sit back and bask in the sweet fruit of a marriage which will be blessed by God, and a heart that overflows with love and gratefulness.



For a break-through-cement marriage order a copy of “From Me to We” by Lucille Williams. For weekly updates SUBSCRIBE to Lu Says today.

2 thoughts on “4 Break Through Truths For a Strong Marriage

  1. You certainly deserve all the success that you’re going to have this is a fantastic email and a great reminder it sure hit home today… Together 31 years and married 23..love ya.

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