Communication and Kids and Loneliness

I witnessed something peculiar the other day. My grandson was playing outside, and I was watching him ride his bike. I noticed a teenage girl who looked to be about fifteen or sixteen. She walked down the street and stopped and was on her phone texting. I said hello and ask if she were waiting for a friend. She said, yes. She waited for a while like, ten to fifteen minutes. Then her friend came out of her house and walked across the street. They both said an odd hello and put their cell phones in their pockets.

But then, they just stood there. Neither of them talked. I waited. I didn’t see them talk. I waited some more. Still no talking. They just stood there.

After about fifteen minutes of standing, they said goodbye, and one girl went back in her house and the other walked back down the street.

They seemed to be texting each other before they “saw” each other but once together had nothing to say.

Are we teaching our kids to not communicate?

Are we teaching our kids interaction means short blurbs about whatever?

Are we teaching our kids the best way to have friends is to have numerous texting conversations?

I don’t know about you, but when I was a teenager, I had lots to say to my friends. There was always catching up to do and much to share.

I fear kids are not learning verbal skills and human interaction. Many hide behind screens and “say” whatever they want without a thought for hurting another’s feelings. Bullying is done through cyberbullying. Many of our kids are lonely and depressed. I think it’s important as parents and grandparents to do whatever we can to encourage human interaction and talking.

Five things to do to get your kids talking…

-Take them out for lunch and ask questions and listen.

-Encourage them to invite a friend over and put away all phones.

-Listen to a podcast with them and talk about what you agreed with or disagreed with.

-After school stop for ice cream and sit and talk.

-Encourage them to call a friend and talk on the phone.

I know times have changed, but human interaction is needed more than ever. We all need love. We all need connection. We all need to be listened. We all need to be understood. We all need validation.

“Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you also are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Lucille Williams is an author with a message of love and kindness. Order a copy of “The Intimacy You Crave” or “From Me to We.” Get weekly updates and SUBSCRIBE to LuSays today.

One thought on “Communication and Kids and Loneliness

  1. Love this! Yep, there are days I seriously consider flushing my iPhone down the toilet & getting back to old-fashioned face-to-face or even voice-to-voice communication!

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