How To Get Along With Your In-Laws

The in-law relationship is a delicate one. Some of us seem to sail through these relationships with ease while others seem to trudge through emotional mud.

For me, it’s been a learning curve. I worked very hard to have a healthy relationship with my adult children, and then, they got married, and everything changed.

I couldn’t call at any time.

I couldn’t insert myself without much thinking.

I couldn’t expect all would be the same.

I had to consider their spouse, their life-partner, the love of their life.

I’ve heard people say when their child got married, “I’ve lost my kid.”

But, for me, I gained kids.

It’s been trial and error to understand and relate to a “kid” you didn’t raise.

They are adults. Adults who don’t need you and don’t have a history with you. And yet, they are very important to you. It’s indeed a delicate balance.

What’s okay?

What’s off limits?

What’s crossing the line?

What happens when we do indeed offend or hurt or cross a line?

How do we get over boundaries crossed?

How do we make amends?

What I’ve learned is to be honest and admit quickly when wrong. I’ve also learned to try to view all situations from the other’s perspective. Their family may have done things differently and we need to be sensitive to that.

Bottom line, if we love our kids we will work on these relationships. We will learn and grow together and do our best to be kind.

If we love our kids, we will love who they love.

That’s what I’ve always tried to do.

I sat down with my daughter-in-law and son-in-law and talked about this very subject. They are two of the most amazing people I have ever met, and it makes me so proud that my kids chose each of them.

Please listen to our conversation on my Love and Pancakes podcast: Click the link below…

How To Have a Relationship With Your In-Laws  

Getting married or know someone who is? Order a copy of From Me to We or The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes by Lucille Williams. Subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.  

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