You Can Have a Fun Marriage

Helping a friend recruit people to help for an event at church, I was sending texts out at rapid-fire speed and accumulating my yes’s and no’s. I was on a mission. Full speed ahead, this train’s not stopping until all the seats are full.

Me: Hey! Would you be interested in helping Friday night?… I’ll be there…

Then, a text came in which stopped the train…


My friend Amy: Can I bring my cute husband? This is a non-kid weekend. I need me some Rob time.


Me: Yes, bring your cute husband!


She was willing to help but she had a nonnegotiable request. Bringing Rob was nonnegotiable. Period. She wasn’t helping without her husband. When my text came in she thought about her husband first. She thought about the weekend they had to spend together. She thought about her husband. She didn’t just say, Ok I’ll be there, and then figure out where her husband fit in the mix. No, she thought about him first, BEFORE saying yes.

I thought about how they BOTH were making each other a priority. She wanted to help but didn’t want to be away from her husband. He was willing to come along, not only to serve, but to be with his wife.

This is marriage at its best folks!

Can we talk about this further?

Good marriages are those which both partners make each other a priority.

In good marriages, as we go about our daily lives both husband and wife are careful to make time for the other.

An excellent wife will consider how her decisions and actions will affect her husband.

A hero husband will prioritize his wife and prioritize time with her.

Could it be that a key element to keep the fireworks alive and having fun together is to serve together?

Couples who serve together stay together.

Many happy couples serve together. They look for ways to join forces and use their talents together. These couples know a secret that too many miss: serving together will make you stronger.

In good marriages, decisions are made together, and consideration for the other is counted in all things.

During the event Rob and Amy were smiling, laughing, and passing alluring glances back and forth. Yeah, I notice those things.

They were having fun. They were having fun together.

This is Rob and Amy. Aren’t they cute?

Always make time to have fun with your spouse. And one way to do that is to serve together.



Lucille Williams is the author of “From Me to We: A Premarital Guide for the Bride- and Groom- to- Be.” Know someone who’s getting married or needs help in their marriage? Order a copy today. For weekly updates give us your email address in the subscribe button.

2 thoughts on “You Can Have a Fun Marriage

  1. I’m in a new committed relationship after a abusive/violent marriage ended couple years ago. so I am hesitant but the information given here is very insightful for myself as well as my adult sons. look forward to reading the book. you have a unique look at situations and the humor comes through which is so important in a relationship
    b blessed

    1. Hi Jane! I’m so sorry about what you’ve experienced. No one should EVER be mistreated. Women need to protect themselves from any abuse/violence. God would never condone us being mistreated. Thank you for reaching out. I hope you enjoy reading “From Me to We.”

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