When God Moves But You Don’t Want To

It’s been said the definition of contentment is, wanting what you have. Well, I was fully content, and I had exactly what I wanted. Sometimes when people move it’s because they want something better. A better area. A better house. A better life. A better [you fill in the blank]. I loved my life and didn’t want to change anything.

My husband was the children’s pastor at a mega church in Southern California and I loved serving with him. We looked forward to each weekend and each ministry opportunity. I know that sounds a bit Pollyanna like we lived in a delightful culture with lollipops and rainbows—it wasn’t that at all, we just love doing ministry together.

Mike always felt called to the church we were at and when other offers came in, he quickly turned each down.

But then, God sent my husband gentle nudges. We both ignored them. Digging in our heels we pushed through all obstacles and focused on doing more and working harder.

God sent more nudges. We ignored them…again.

Then, God sent an avalanche.

We heard him.

At this point you’re probably thinking what did this avalanche look like?

To put it plainly, my husband went from loving—absolutely LOVING—his work and ministry, to not loving it. I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal but he went from jumping out of bed eager to start each day to a dreaded feeling of discomfort for the day ahead of him. He still loved the church and the people, however, it became clear God had another assignment for him—for us.

We both found a way to be as content as possible in this new unfamiliar season–we had always loved where God had us–and at the same time be open to what God was doing.

Mike looked at different opportunities and considered potential prospects. This went on for quite some time. I wondered, Were we misinterpreting what we thought God was doing?

Then he was contacted from a representative at a church in Arizona. They were looking for a children’s pastor with Mike’s skillset. In the beginning neither one of us was keen on moving away from a place we loved but knew we needed to be open to God’s leading.

As the interviews started and one step led to another, before we knew it, we were on a plane to visit this prospective church. Spending close to a week and meeting and interviewing with multiple people by the time we were headed back to California we knew Arizona would be our new home. We knew Palmcroft Church in Phoenix was where God was calling us. We had no doubt.

As I write this, we have already made the move from California—and our home we lived in thirty-three years—to Peoria, Arizona. Yesterday was our first day at our new church home and we already feel like we are home.

I didn’t want to move. I loved where I was. I loved my life. I loved that my grandkids were only ten minutes away. Can I come over? was almost a daily text to my daughter. To say I cried saying goodbye doesn’t even begin to describe the deep pain in my heart leaving. As we drove away my broken heart hurt to the point of physical pain. My comfort, my safety net, my home, my joy was yanked from under me. Would I ever feel happy again? I was scared my joy would never return.

But as hard as leaving was, what’s harder is living outside of God’s will. And we knew God’s will was for us to now serve at Palmcroft Church. The safest place to be is in the center of God’s will and that’s where I want my life to be.

After one Sunday at our new church my joy has already returned. And once again I can say I am content—I have what I want.

Again, my life is not all lollipops and rainbows—moving day was a total fiasco filled with losing it on my husband and multiple roadblocks and challenges (stay tuned for next week’s post)—but I have what I want. And for that I’m thankful.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

-Micah 6:8

There’s no better time to work on your relationships. Order a copy of “From Me to We” or “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes” by Lucille Williams and begin to make changes today. Subscribe to LuSays for weekly encouragement.

20 thoughts on “When God Moves But You Don’t Want To

  1. Wow!!!!! Hadn’t heard. Blessings to you and Mike. Praying for your ministry in AZ and for the perfect replacement at my old church that I love so much.

  2. Sometimes God lights in us a fuse inorder to relight that flame. I am so grateful to know Pastor Mike and I am excited at the new prospects that God has given you both. I pray that God continues to guide the both of you with many blessings.

  3. I can’t wait to read all that God will be doing in your lives. Blessings to you both and the church you are now serving.

  4. I know that moving feeling. Feeling it along with you. We moved to Montana in November. Still wanting to know why God moved us here but know His hand was in the plan from the beginning. Leaving children is always hard but believing that the visits will be even sweeter. Blessings to you both. Your new church home is lucky to have you.

  5. Congratulations to you and Pastor Mike! Our situation was a bit of an avalanche as well but I loved what you said, “But as hard as leaving was, what’s harder is living outside of God’s will.” Jay and I moved to Texas in August and he will now be starting and leading a Men’s ministry at our new church. God bless you both and may you do amazing things in Arizona.

  6. As a long time member of Palmcroft, we are thrilled to have you both minister here with us! Thank you for coming 😊

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