What’s In Your Face?

We were watching the Super Bowl when something reflective and profound happened. It was the last few minutes of the game and the first time ever a Super Bowl had EVER gone into overtime. My daughter got up and told her husband, “I’ve got to visit the ladies room, you’re on Daddy Duty.”

I’m thinking, Oh yay, I’m going to get the baby now. Certainly Kyle will hand him off so he can concentrate on the game.

I waited for the toss. Hand off. Toss. Get it?

I waited but what happened was better than getting the hand off.

My son-in-law picked up his four-month-old son, looked him in the eyes, and said these magical words:

“You’re way more fun than a football game.”

My disappointment in not getting the precious gem handed to me was quickly replaced with joy to overhear such sweet words of affirmation from a father to his son.

“You’re way more fun than a football game.”

The Super Bowl had never gone into overtime. This was the first time ever. My daughter had no idea how the few minutes left of the game were history in the making. But history over a ball game had no value compared to a father holding his son. And Kyle was quick to recognize this.

We can get so busy with what feels important that we can forget what’s really important. Little choices can have huge implications in the long range of our life legacy.

This text will only take a second.

I’ll be done with this game in a minute.

Let me finish this call.

And what are we missing?

How often are you letting those you love know how valuable they are?

When was the last time you affirmed your kids?

When was the last time you praised your spouse?

Affirming words are beautiful and wonderful and need to be said…


The biggest way we can affirm those we love is with our time.

No matter what we say our actions give away our priorities.

I ask you today, what’s in your face? Is it your cell phone? Is it a computer screen? Is it the TV? Is it Candy Crush or the Pokémon Go game?

Aren’t our family members–those we love–more important?

Love all out today…and every day.



2 thoughts on “What’s In Your Face?

  1. Hey Lu,
    Awesome article ! ! ! Babies are way more fun than the Super Bowl. Sounds like you had a super nice family gathering. Enjoy that grand baby.

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