What You Do Matters

“Now an argument started among them [Jesus’ disciples] as to which of them might be the greatest. But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their hearts, took a child and had him stand by His side, and He said to them, “Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives me receives Him who sent Me; for the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great.”

-Luke 9:46-48

I was in a season of wondering if anything I did mattered. I mean, who cares what I do, does it really make any difference? Sitting in this was beginning to grind on me but I kept telling myself to press on, this is just faulty thinking.

Recently my husband and I traveled to California (we live in Arizona) for Mike to officiate a wedding. He’s a children’s pastor and often when these kids who once were in the kids’ ministry grow up, they ask for him to do their weddings. It’s always an honor.

This wedding was for a young man who grew up in California and his family attended our last church, which we served at for seventeen years. During the process of all the celebrating and rehearsal, dinner, and the wedding day, multiply people approached me and Mike and lavished us with praise and thanks.

We heard,

“You are missed.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Mike baptized my daughter.”

“You impacted our family in a huge way.”

“Thank you for all you did.”

And it went on and on. I found myself crying in the middle of this beautiful wedding celebration. Oftentimes in ministry and in life we go about our days thinking what we do is unnoticed and unimportant.

I thought back to my time at our last church. I really didn’t feel like I did that much.

A smile.

A warm hello.

Embracing a mom who was discouraged and offering hope.

Praying with a child to receive Jesus as Lord.

Encouraging couples in their marriages.

Serving in ministry.

One day at a time, one “offering” at a time.

Maybe you’re feeling like what you do is unnoticed and insignificant. But I tell you every little thing adds up. Each loving touch matters.

At this wedding I watched my husband pull out tissues for the bride, and also the grooms’ mom when tears began to flow. I asked him, “Is that something you always do? Where are you getting these tissues?”

He said, “I always keep tissues in my suit jacket pocket because no bride wants tears to ruin her makeup, and I keep them ready for the moms too.”

So many weddings and I never noticed he did this until this wedding. Just a small gesture and yet I’m sure it meant a lot to the brides and the moms. And it was probably never noticed by anyone. But on this day, I noticed, and I was so proud of him.

Adding up all the tissues he’s probably handed out made me realize that it’s the small choice over small choice to be loving that makes the biggest impact in the long run.

Choosing love will always leave a loving imprint and it makes a difference. One small choice at a time.

“For the one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great.” -Luke 9:48

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. And on preorder Turtle Finds His Talent for ages 2-6. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

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