The Bunny: A Road to Jesus

When I was a kid, my mother used to dress up as the Easter Bunny. I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever, I mean, my mother was the Easter Bunny. We lived in a condominium community where there were lots of kids and on Easter in the morning they had this event for kids. I don’t remember much about the event, all I remember is my mother was the Easter Bunny.

The idea of going to church on Easter never even occurred to me, nor to my parents. They never once spoke about even considering going to a church on Easter. Many families who don’t attend church through the year will attend on Easter, but not my family. Nope.

Dad was an atheist. An atheist who would often say he went to “Saint Mattress” on Sunday mornings. We’d laugh.

I grew up defined and proud that our family believed there wasn’t any God. I was the daughter of an atheist and I bought into the title full well.

I accepted it and didn’t question it until…

I got married and life was empty and shallow and meaningless and painful with no hope. I began questioning. I began reading the Bible and running into Christians everywhere I went.

Once I realized there was something to “this God thing” questions about life and especially my childhood and my dad overwhelmed me.

I went to my dad and asked, “Dad, I know you don’t believe in God but what do you believe about Jesus?”

He said, “Oh Jesus was here, that’s historical fact.”

I was blown away. My dad the atheist believes Jesus was here!

Then I said, “Dad, what do you believe about Jesus?”

Now, I’m not making this up…

He said, “Jesus got off the cross and went to China.”

It was at that very moment that I knew God was real. After studying the life of Jesus, I knew he was God in the flesh. I knew he died for me. I knew I had to offer him my all, my life.

Not long after I made the decision to be a Christ follower and committed my life to Jesus Christ. I have never been the same. I have never even wanted to look back.

Today, I am no longer defined by being the daughter of an atheist.

I am the daughter of the KING OF THE UNIVERSE.

As Easter approaches, I hope you will celebrate with God’s people and enjoy the sweet peace and comfort of being in church.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

– Romans 10:9

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

4 thoughts on “The Bunny: A Road to Jesus

  1. Lu I know why reading this made Me cry their are so many ❤️ that where lucky to go to Church or Synagogue and don’t believe but You ❤️ did not have that chance and now believe ❤️ God Bless and Happy Easter ❤️.

  2. Wow! Thank you for sharing your testimony! I loved it! At 18 I gave my heart to Jesus and gave never been the same. My Mom was distraught that I didn’t want to attend the Catholic Church anymore, but I wanted more than just religion . . . I wanted a relationship with God and my Savior, Jess Christ!
    Thanks again!

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