New Beginnings

Many of us are facing some really difficult and challenging stuff as we look forward into the new year. Stuff that we may not know how to unpack and deal with as we move forward. We may have lost loved ones, lost jobs, changed addresses, or be dealing with a huge setback.

Life can feel uncertain and scary. We may feel like we want to quit or give up fighting doubt and despair.

One of the people in the Bible I can feel a tremendous amount of sympathy for is the widow in 2 Kings 4. Every time I read that story my heart breaks for her and I turn into her cheerleader.

Her husband dies and the creditor is coming after her two boys, to make them slaves to pay off debt. This poor widow’s husband was among the company of the prophets, and she goes to Elisha for help. (You may know the story.)

In this story Elisha represented the person, power, and care of God.

Elisha asks her what it is she wants him to do, and then asks her what she has in her house.

All she has is a small jar of oil. Elisha instructs her to borrow empty jars from her neighbors.

Imagine how silly and embarrassed she must have been as she knocked on each door.

Can I have your empty jars, please?

“Noah looked like an idiot until it started raining…keep building.”

– Bianca Olthoff

She was grieving. She was scared that her sons would be taken, and she’s out asking for jars. Imagine the despair she must have felt.

And yet, she moved forward.

She moved forward in faith.

Trusting God.


Once back home she closes the door, brings in her sons as instructed, and begins to pour oil from her jar into the empty jars. The oil keeps flowing.

The oil keeps flowing until all the borrowed vessels are full.

God filled them all.

Then, this widow goes back to Elisha and he tells her to pay off the debt and use the rest to live on. God didn’t just take care of her debt, He gave her an income too.

We may not know God’s plan for us, but we know God wants good for us, and that He is working for us.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

Are you on empty, friend?

Regardless of the times in which we live and the problems we face there is no problem or need that God cannot meet.

Take your empty vessel to God and allow Him to fill you.

It’s okay to be on empty. Take your empty vessel to the One who can fill you.

Getting married or know someone who is? Order a copy of From Me to We. Want to have some laughs and gain valuable intimacy tips? The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes  is sure to do the trick. Do you have a strong-spirited child? The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, by Lucille Williams is available now. Subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement. 

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