My Daughter Will Be Married in a Few Short Days

My daughter was my first child. I can remember holding her for the first time. So much was unknown at that time. Could I really be a mother to her?

She was so beautiful. She was a little miracle, handed to me straight from God. Entrusted to me to raise and to love.

All at once, I had a new title. A new identity, if you will. I became Mom.

I was so scared. I was leaping into uncharted territory. All of it was a deep sea, unfamiliar. Fear overwhelmed me.

Yet love consumed me, a kind of love I had never before experienced. All mothers understand this kind of love. It goes beyond words.

Boxes line my daughter's room as she packs to move in with her future husband after the wedding.
Boxes line my daughter’s room as she prepares to move in with her soon-to-be husband.

As suddenly as she was handed to me, she suddenly is now leaving. This was not unexpected. After many years of tears, joy, adventure, discovery, love and sleepless nights—of illness, angst, communicating and prayers—all of that time has seemed to whiz by leaving only memories.

But my sadness turns to joy as I relish in the delight of gaining another son. A son for which I prayed many years. In him, God delivered beyond all I asked for or expected.

At this time, the blessings overflow for me, and yet there still is an underlying sadness. It is bittersweet. On one hand, I feel happy beyond measure. At the same time, indescribable sorrow.

Letting go can be so painful, even when letting go means getting everything for which you ever prayed.

The one thing we can always count on is change. I am about to face one of the biggest changes I’ve ever had to conquer. Watching my daughter pack up her room, pack up her childhood, pack up her life, I cannot help but worry. Did I pack her “luggage” with all she will need? Was I faithful as the mom God trusted me to be?

She was handed to me as a gift from God and now we are handing her off. Could it be that on the other side of this hurdle is a better life? Certainly it will be for my daughter, I’m counting on that. And I suppose after the initial shock and awe is over, and the dust clears in her empty room, God will bring new light and carry me through this sudden fear of the future just like He carried me through the fear and insecurity about being a mom.

My daughter will be married soon and my life will change forever, but not as much as it changed the day I first held her in my arms. Emerging through the tears and sadness, thankfulness shines bright for the blessing of having raised a daughter. One of whom I am very proud.

“Her children rise up and bless her,” Proverbs 31:28 says. Yes, I am blessed.

9 thoughts on “My Daughter Will Be Married in a Few Short Days

  1. I have been privileged to watch you raise your daughter in the ways of the Lord and you did a really good job! You and Mike were blessed beyond measure and she will now carry this into her future, for that you can be proud and give Him all the glory. I wish I had had a mom half as awesome as you have been and still are, look at all three and now five of your kids!

  2. LuLu, such a sweet post… It definitely resonated with me… Neither Monica’s new life with Kyle, nor your life without her in your home, will be better… lives will be different, and wonderful… but not better… you were a wonderful mom to her… Kyle will be a wonderful husband… wonderful, and different… but not comparable and not better… Love you, friend! It is a sweet path you are on!

  3. Wow, you just described my full story!!! First daughter of two, 19, just got married this past May! She was raised on the mission field and from early on knew that is what she wanted to do with her life. And so she met her husband. On the Mission field. The son we always dreamt of having and more. What a blessing. But at the same time, she was my best friend! I always used to joke with her that once she leaves and gets married we will have to cut the umbellical cord so she can enjoy that connection with husband. Although I taught her for years that marriage needs to be without any interference and that I will not seek to get into their lives… at the same time feeling happy for them, I miss her so much and feel pain as in ‘losing’ my friend. It is so weird. I don’t think we can ever be prepared enough for letting go. I go through cycles. Some days I say ‘just let her be’. Other days I feel upset that I don’t hear from her daily. And they live so far that the time difference is 6 hours. It is not easy to just pick up the phone to call. When I am available it is in the middle of the night for them. And the other way around. I am sure I will adjust soon. But I am most happy that she found the perfect man for her and is living her dream life now. We have done our job and now it is her turn to start their beautiful story like ours was and is so beautiful. God’s favor on you also.

  4. Lisette, I can only imagine what it would be like to have my daughter so far away. That must be so hard! My daughter will be living in the community that I do and still at the same church. I feel so blessed. Thank you for sharing you story!

  5. Awe yes my friend.. Bitter Sweet. I know this feeling as now I am so so overjoyed to see my firat born nd daughter be such an amazing wife an daughter and think Wow!! Could it be that I was a half way decent mom? I know one thing I did do right was guiding her to love Jesus. She loves Jesus so very much and will now teach my little Violet to love Jesus.
    Congratulations my sister will say a prayer for you heart . Remember how it felt 3 years ago. ❤️

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