Just Helpin’ My Son Ditch School

I felt as though the weight of my inability to make important decisions were pressing down on me as I drove home from an appointment. It can be so easy to get caught up in the cares of everyday life and not stay focused on the most important things. Can you relate to this?

sandwhich copyAnd so I drove…but instead of driving home I stopped in the parking lot of my teen son’s school. I sent him a text asking if he wanted to go off campus for a lunch date with mom. It wasn’t long before I got a “yes!” back.

There I sat in the parking lot, my car windows down with a breeze gliding through and looking out at the beautiful mountains just in front of me. Psalm 121 came to mind and I started reciting it to myself.

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.”

Thirty minutes later the lunch bell rang and the high school students that were leaving campus flooded the parking lot. I heard the “F” word no less than 6 times. How does my son maintain his morals and beliefs in this environment?

Joseph arrived at my car and told me that we could go anywhere, indicating that he didn’t need to be back by his next class. I said, “So, you want me to help you ditch a class?” He laughed and said, “yes.” I agreed to help him ditch.

He pulled out his laptop and read me his presentation that he would now be presenting tomorrow. I was in awe; his work was beyond his years.  He got to the end and said, “And I’m not sure how I am going to end it.”

“So, you weren’t ready for your presentation? I am gaining you one more day?”

“Exactly,” he replied, very matter of fact. I laughed.

We had a great time together eating and laughing and I got to hear many stories. (This was from a kid who replies sarcastically, “Amazing” to the question, “How was school today?”)

Suddenly “the cares of everyday life” didn’t seem so pressing. At the end of the day—or in this case long lunch—it is our relationship that matters most. What matters is that we have healthy relationships with the people who are most important to us.

I have a teenage son who is still willing to hang out with his mom, who maintains his love for God and holds to his beliefs everyday, even in a not so glorified environment.

Yes, I did help him ditch school, but what are moms for if not that?

Let your kids know they matter by making time for them…today…everyday. Don’t let the cares of each day rob you of what is most important.


12 thoughts on “Just Helpin’ My Son Ditch School

  1. This made me tear up. I have one son. He is 6 years old and we have a wonderful relationship. He changed my life in such a beautiful positive way. Though we spend almost all of our time together when he is not in school we still plan our occasional mother/son dates. He loves them as much as I do. I know our relationship will change with time, but I hope that he will always want to spend some time with me.

    1. Aimee thank you! Sounds like you are doing great! If you are making time for him now he will make time for you when he is older! Thanks for your comment!

  2. This is so sweet and spending time with him one on one is so wonderful. My oldest moved out last year. I cried for a week. I was not prepared for all the emotions I had without having my shopping partner and coffee pal with me.

    Have a peaceful week,

    1. I totally hear you Pam! My older son lives in Texas…cried all the way from Texas to California when we left him there, and we drove! Thanks for your comment!

  3. You’re such a wonderful mom and I’m not just saying that because you helped him ditch school. LOL The lunch date was a superb way to bond and show him that you can be “fun” from time to time. 😉

    Visiting you from the Happy Wives Club link up.

  4. Hi Lu ,
    My little guy is 8 and I think some of my favorite days are when I have to pick him up from school for a doctors appointment and we go eat lunch together…and, well, ditch school for the rest of the day. We tell each other knock knock jokes that make no sense and he tells me about his friends at school. Although it is rare that we do it, ditching school might be one of my favorite privileges as a mother. 🙂

    1. Cathy…that is great! Start them I early! I took my kids out of elementary school a lot. When they get to high school it is harder because they have more work. So glad you are doing that. Thanks for your comment!

  5. This is a precious memory that you will both always have! My kids and I often had lunch dates, although I didn’t “officially” take them out of school because we homeschooled. But in a way I did because we just dropped everything and went, lol!

    My boys are young adults now and the oldest is getting married in the fall. Sometimes the oldest calls me from work and asks me to meet him for lunch and I drop everything and GO!

    The youngest usually comes home from college and rushes out the door to work, so we don’t do lunch except on Sunday, lol!

    Thanks for linking up to the “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party today! 🙂

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