Is Marriage a Sacred Affair?

There was a time, some time ago, where my husband was going through an excessively stressful season. It seemed to come to a head one day as he talked with me through some of the decisions he needed to make, and the challenges he was facing.

I listened.

I wanted to add in my “solutions.” You know I did, but instead, I listened.

It wasn’t easy.

Sometimes being quiet is the hardest thing for me to do. Can you relate?            

After he left for work I was flooded with the desire to DO something. I wanted to help. I wanted to take away his stress. I wanted to erase his struggles. I wanted to get on a plane with him and fly to Cabo.

I felt antsy.

I wanted to be WONDER WIFE and save the day.

I thought, Well, I could pray. Truthfully, it didn’t seem like enough. I had been praying, and I hadn’t seen any progress. Maybe now it was time to jump in and DO something?


DO something?


DO something?

I decided to go with prayer, and I committed to praying for him throughout the day. I mean, what was I going to DO? Let’s be real.

Next, what I am about to tell you, I wouldn’t totally believe unless it had happened to me. (Yes, I can be a bit skeptical. I’m convicting myself here.)

This happened

When my husband got home, all the challenges he was facing completely changed. Drastically. It was as if God dove in and scooped up all the stress and struggles, smashed them against Satan’s head, and repackaged each with a bow. And then, handed them all back as gifts.


Prayer is a vital part of marriage.

But sometimes we don’t know what to pray or how to get our minds in the right direction.

Through Barbour Publishing I’ve written a seven-day devotional for married women, and you can find it on YouVersion Bible app. Each day has a So what? and a prayer at the end.

You can find it here:

Seven Days to From Me to We YouVersion Bible app

Here’s a sample of PART of Day One:

Sacred Affair

Genesis 2:18 – “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.’”

Marriage is a sacred affair. It’s a high calling—one of the highest callings we can be commissioned for. If God called you to this, he is expecting great things from you. Never underestimate the power, sacredness, and influence being a wife has on God’s kingdom. The marriage covenant is a holy union—holy and designed by God. Marriage is a vow for life. Not just until you don’t feel like being married anymore. A promise for life. First Corinthians 7:39 says, “A wife is bound as long as her husband lives…” Bound. Bound as in, tied to and bonded forever. Marriage is serious business to God.

When you honor your spouse, you honor God…

For the conclusion of the devotion, along with, all seven days, go to: YouVersion Bible App Seven Days to From Me to We. 

Sometimes the most wise and powerful step we can take is to be silent and pray.

For more marriage tips order a copy of “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes” or “From Me to We” by Lucille Williams. Get weekly updates and SUBSCRIBE to LuSays today.

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