How Do You Know If You’re Winning at Marriage?

Have you ever been in a season where you feel like nothing is about you in your marriage? Like you are giving to the point where you can’t even imagine giving up any more of yourself? This is where I found myself recently. Yes, we are supposed to be selfless and sacrificial and other-centered and, and, and… but sometimes you feel like you are plain ole’ gived out.

Gived out!

Lord, what more do you want of me? There’s nothing else I can give.

I found myself feeling like this after a long season of taking care of my husband through two knee replacement surgeries. One which took six months of recovery which included a stop at pneumonia, and then the second one only seven months later with another long recovery (currently ongoing) involving a journey through a wound that could make you hurl your dinner. Fun times.

Among the meals that needed to be prepared, laundry that piled up, physical therapy underway, bandages needing changing, and doctor appointments which seemed unending I was drowning in a sea of invisible activity.

It’s during these times where we feel totally on empty that the magic in marriage can truly begin.

If we stay the course.

I discovered this over two eggs. Yes, you read that right, over two last eggs.

My husband and I both love eating eggs in the morning. As he has been recovering I usually make us both eggs in the morning for breakfast. The other night I discovered there were only two eggs left. I casually told Mike about the two remaining eggs and that one of us would have to have something other than eggs in the morning until I could get to the store.

In the morning when I went into the kitchen there was a box of waffle mix on the counter—no eggs needed.

How did the box get here? Mike had to have put it there to let me know he wanted waffles?

When he awoke I asked him if he’d like eggs with his waffles. “No,” he said, “I want you to have the eggs.”

That box was a symbol of his love. This waffle box which needed no eggs was a giant I love you sign.

I had not been forgotten. He was thinking of me selflessly. Those two eggs stayed there until I got to the store that day and bought more eggs. I too had planned an alternative breakfast for myself.

It just didn’t feel right to have eggs without him.

It’s the little things in marriage that make a big magical difference. When we continually think of the other first—even when we have to dig deep—God steps in and gives us a supernatural out-of-this-world marriage.

I don’t know what you’re dealing with in your marriage right now, but God does, and He rewards faithfulness. He rewards it in such a way that we will have vats of blessings overflowing. Trust Him, my friend, trust Him and love your spouse with all you’ve got.



Pick up a copy of “From Me to We” by Lucille Williams wherever books are sold or just click HERE. Subscribe to LuSays today and get weekly encouragement.

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