God Is Faithful

I was broken. I was scared. I wanted to hop on a plane and be the rescuer. My 22-year-old son, living in another state, had moved away to attend seminary and work at a church in the area. Suddenly, by God’s design, he found himself with no means to pay for seminary and with no job.

“How could God let this happen?” I was so confused. I found it hard to breathe. I felt like I needed to “do something” but didn’t know what. I felt helpless. As if God needed my help to accomplish His will—so stupid! I was given orders by my husband to step aside, not intervene, allow God to work and allow our son to trust God, fully depending on Him for direction. This was the right thing to do, yes, but extremely difficult for me. I’m a mom.

I prayed. And prayed. And prayed.

During that time I was visiting a church going through a stewardship teaching. They passed out cards for members to write their support promises. In six months the church would mail them back to you. I filled it out. Already committed to giving at my home church, I only wrote on the card, “I am trusting God for a ministry job for my son,” and put it in the envelope.

When I got home our church went through a similar process, and once again, I wrote the same thing, “I am trusting God for a ministry job for my son.”

The day I received a letter from a church in another state I was surprised. I had forgotten about the card. Not only did I receive the card I had filled out, but there was cash in the envelop too! My husband said, “Why is a church sending you money?” (When I filled out the card I placed money in it too, knowing I would forget about it.) Within a few days both of the cards I had filled out were returned to me.

My eyes filled with tears as I read what I had written. As I read my own writing, I realized how God had been faithful all along. Not only did my son have a ministry job, he had a better job. And one that he loved. And he was working as a pastor, only 22 years old, and he was already a pastor! Something I had not expected so soon, considering his young age. And next month his church is ordaining him. And he is getting married to a young lady that we love and adore. Simply amazing. God is amazing!

Yes, six months prior I was scared. I felt like someone had socked me in the gut, but God was working out His plan. His plan is always better than my plan. God is faithful!

My son gave me permission to share a portion of what he journaled during that difficult time. He wrote, “Well God, you got my attention. It’s all in your hands. Where do you want me?” He was trusting God through that trying season. Sometimes the best thing we can do as a parent is trust our children to God, who will take care of them better than we can.

While I am on the topic of God being faithful, in a previous blog I wrote about taking a day off and trusting God to multiply my work, stating that I would write a future update. I am overjoyed to report that God has indeed done that. Not only that, but I have also gained the blessing of spending my day off with my daughter. What a treasure!

God is faithful beyond our comprehension! Yes, God is faithful! Amen?!

8 thoughts on “God Is Faithful

  1. Glad to hear you trusted God and stepped aside. I think besides trusting God, it is important for our kids to also work hard at things for their future. I see so many parents that are enablers and are always doing everything to fix their kids problems and never allow them to grow up and mature. I’m sure your son has grown not only spiritually but also as a man thru this time. 🙂

    1. Yes, it is a hard balance between helping them and enabling them. I’ve always needed to go to God for wisdom. Thanks for your comment!

  2. so excited to be a part of this testimony and to see what else God has in store for us 🙂 that entry from him was the most beautiful thing! love it and this post!

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