Eternally Thankful

Our tow truck driver had multiple tattoos on his face but the one that stood out was the cross on his forehead—I knew there had to be a story there.

Our day started off great. We dropped my husband’s car off at the mechanic for routine upkeep and headed out in my husband’s beloved truck, stopped for breakfast, and was headed to the mall to exchange a pair of boots I had bought for a smaller size. Any day which includes new shoes is a good day.

As we got into the middle turn lane to enter the mall the truck shut down. After my husband called for a tow, I jumped out with my boots and headed to the shoe store, while my husband continued getting honked at and yelled at, even though his flashers were on. Sorry honey, I’ll be back soon.

When I got back an angel of a lady had pushed the truck with her suburban into the parking lot. It would be a long wait before a tow truck could get to us. It was a beautiful day, and I called a couple friends and my daughter to chat to pass some of the time. If we were going to be delayed this was a great spot for it.

Over an hour later, my husband got the truck to start, and we quickly headed toward our mechanic only to have it shut down again about a mile out. Only this time we were on the side of the road. Ugh! No close bathroom anymore. Oh well, it was worth a try.

This was when we really began to feel discouraged and wondered how much longer it would be before our tow arrived. 

Then, my husband’s phone rang and it was the tow truck driver. Mike gave him our location and I wanted to jump for joy—I think I may have a little.

The tow truck driver seemed kind of gruff. He had a long beard and tattoos on his face and body.

This guy was tough—really tough. Seeing a tattooed cross on his forehead I asked him if he went to church. He said, yes, and I told him my husband was a children’s pastor. This opened up a whirlwind of a conversation. He talked about his family, he talked about his church, he talked about ministry.

He even told us he had been a drug dealer before meeting Jesus Christ and talked a bit about his old life.

As he drove us to our mechanic, he told us that all of his pick-ups that day had been Christian people. He then went on to say he was having a really tough day, he had been questioning, and earlier pulled over to the side of the road and cried. I was so surprised to hear him trust us with this information.

We all talked, and my husband and I encouraged him. He asked, “Am I being punished for all the bad stuff I did before?” “Of course not,” we told him. We talked about God’s goodness and grace.

Once we got to the mechanic shop, we all held hands, in this tow truck, in the parking lot, and my husband prayed for him. I could feel God’s presence in a way that I will never forget.

Mike gave him a sizable tip, they decided to keep in touch, and he drove off. And we were filled with gratefulness that God had ordained our day.

Sometimes unwanted delays are God’s design.

“The mind of a person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” 

– Proverbs 16:9

When my son got home that night and asked me what was wrong with the truck, I said, “We need to sell the stinkin’ truck, that’s what’s wrong with it.” A sense of humor mixed with thankfulness is always the best way to go.

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

7 thoughts on “Eternally Thankful

  1. I make decisions based on whats right not how I feel..victory comes with a price and it cost slot for me friends,relationships,years of time stress,grief n loss well actually it cost everything and then it happened….suddenly one day that draining lifeless soul sucking daily years of mental strategic war tactical chess like movements outnumbered,doubted and persecuted yet against these odds facts dominated lies and forever ctr for life so choose the right people the end

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