Do You Have an Impossible Kid?

Sometimes the things which keep us up at night and challenge us the most turn out to be the most rewarding. When my daughter, Monica, was born I felt a sense of overwhelming emotions. But the overriding feeling was fear. Fear I would mess her up. Fear I would make mistakes. Fear I would ruin her life.

And then, it didn’t take long for me to realize she had a strong nature.

Stronger than mine even. What in the world would I do? How would I raise such a strong-willed child?

I spent many hours on my knees—not because I was super spiritual, but because I was lost and desperate.

Monica banged her head on her mattress in her crib as an infant.

She started giving us dirty looks from the time she was a toddler.

By ten she was kicking the wall in her room, screaming, “I hate ‘em, I hate ‘em, I HATE ‘EM!”

While in grammar school I found her with her shirt tied up and her shorts pulled up.

As a teenager she began a relationship with an adult man—who was six years older than her!

She would warn us “that she would make our lives miserable” if we did things she didn’t like. And we knew she meant it.

She fought us at every turn. 

Can you relate at all to a child like this? Is your child impossible? I know what it’s like to have an impossible kid, and I also know the rewards of raising a child like this.

I learned that when you rely on God to guide you, you can come out victorious.

I know staying faithful and focused as you raise kids can bring rewards you never dreamed of.

I am confident God has blessings for you in this journey we call parenting.

What if you could tap into the mind of a child like this?

Well now you can.

Because my impossible kid and I wrote a book together. Yes folks, my daughter, Monica reveals what was going on in her heart and mind while she was driving us crazy.

Me and Monica. She turned out AMAZING!

She tells the truth.

She is honest and real and vulnerable.

My new book, The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace will inspire you all the way to the finish line while you say, YES! I can do this!

It is eleven relatable chapters covering topics including family dysfunctions, feeling like an inadequate parent, creative and effective discipline, parenting with integrity, the dreaded sex talk, learning to laugh together, and keeping God as the focal point in the home. And at the end of every chapter you’ll hear incredible insight from my impossible kid who is now a mother herself.

Will you take this parenting journey with me?

You can order The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace HERE!

For more from Lucille Williams check out her marriage books, “The Intimacy You Crave” and “From Me to We”. Get weekly updates and SUBSCRIBE to LuSays today.

2 thoughts on “Do You Have an Impossible Kid?

  1. Is there an audio version of this book? My grown daughter – that has children of her own – would benefit from this book but has very limited time for reading. She asked me if I knew if there was an audio version or podcast.
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

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