Damsel in Distress

I was a damsel in distress, but I didn’t know it…

What I did know was that it was taking everything I had to keep it together and pull it together; all my might, all my “training,” and all that was left of my nerves.

The clock was my enemy, ticking away as the problems kept popping up. “Lu, I don’t understand this segment?” “Lu, sorry I’m late.” “Lu, I didn’t realize this conflicted with my other gig.” “Lu, this prop does not fit together.” “Lu, the lights are too bright.” “Lu, someone needs to talk to you.” “Lu, this isn’t working.”

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…the clock doesn’t stop for problems. The show starts whether you are ready or not.

I was holding it together, but just by a slippery, angel hair noodle.

Then…along came Sean. Yes, Sean, he is on staff in the children’s ministry and he sat in the chair next to me. That’s all he did—sit, quietly—but I knew he was there; and it made a world of difference for me. (Now for those of you who think this to be strange, let me tell you that in our department we all are more like family, not co-workers. I attribute this to our great leader.)

That’s right all he did was sit in the chair next to me.

In the past when I saw someone having a rough time I used to think I needed to do something, it never occurred to me to just be. Just be, sit quietly, just be there. We want to fix situations, “Sit down and let’s talk about it,” we say. I didn’t realize the power of having someone by your side, but I have learned this now.

Sometimes the best thing that you can do is be there.

In the end the KidStreet Family Theater show at Shepherd of the Hills Church, was one of our best, with roars of laughter and a clear message taught. It was worth all the extra challenges and effort.

The next day when I thanked Sean for his act of kindness he said, “I am always ready to help a damsel in distress.” Haha!

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