Church Hopping

It was a hot, hot, hot Sunday during the Arizona summer. Even so, I wore a long blue dress. It was a special day and I wanted my attire to reflect the celebration in my heart.

The morning started at my home church for a church service, and then I rushed out to another church. Not just any church but the church that my son-in-law would be preaching at.

The drive was roughly 40 minutes and I was so happy to finally get to the church knowing I could catch the end of the first service and then hear his full sermon during the second. But there was one big obstacle: the parking lot was full. I drove up and down aisles and finally resolved myself to a long walk in the Arizona heat. I knew I’d most likely look like a drowned rat once I got to the church. But I didn’t care, this drowned rat was going to hear my son preach and I was so proud.

As a walked toward what I thought was the church sanctuary I notice a couple walking behind me and they noticed me looking at them. I asked, “Can you direct me to the sanctuary please?”  “Sure, follow us” was the reply. The gal told me that she was on staff. I told her that my son-in-law was preaching this morning. She asked, “Who’s your son-in-law?” I told her proudly, “Pastor Kyle Welch.” She looked at me with a blank look. Hmmm, so odd. How could she not know who Kyle was?

She had a key for a side door entrance, and I was oh so happy to get out of the heat.

Once I got to the foyer of the church I asked a gentleman with a “Can I help you?” or something like that, sign around his neck if I could go in the church. He said that yes, yes indeed I could. I proudly told him that my son-in-law was preaching.

I quickly walked in and just as quickly noticed that my son-in-law was not the man preaching. This pastor seemed like a great preacher and I wanted to stay and listen but it was at that point I realized I was in the wrong place. Maybe there was another room that Kyle was preaching in?

I walked back to the lobby and asked the nice gentleman, “Is this Compass Church?” He said no, we are Cornerstone Church.” That’s when the lights went on for me. Oh. My. Are-you-kidding me? Goodness.

I told him that my son-in-law was preaching at Compass. He escorted me outside and asked the shuttle driver to drive me back to my car. I was so thankful that I didn’t have to walk back in the heat.

Finally, I made it to the right church. And I once again had a tough time finding a parking spot. My heart was happy to see so many at church on a Sunday morning.

Once I made it to the foyer of the right church I asked the “Can I help you?” guy if I could slide in. He said absolutely.

As I walked in I saw my son-in-law on stage preaching and my heart jumped with glee. I finally made it to the right sanctuary.

I found my daughter after the service and she noticed me sending a thank you to Cornerstone Church on my phone, and she said, “You didn’t?” She knew without even asking that I had gone to the wrong church. We both laughed. I had taken notice of the name of the nice gentleman who helped me and shot off a thank you.

Here’s the thing, I had been to Compass Church before so, I really do not have a good explanation why I got so lost. I think I was so focused on getting to my goal that I blocked out all the obvious signs that I was going in the wrong direction (like my navigation telling me to turn right when I turned left into the parking lot of the wrong church).

Let’s look at the lessons learned here, shall we?

 5 Lessons:

-Don’t get so focused on your goal that you lose yourself along the road to said goal.

-God’s people are God’s people, and kind, no matter what church you call home.

-We need to love others, even if they are “outsiders.”

-It’s okay to make mistakes and laugh at yourself.

-Enjoy the journey, even if you get lost, it’ll make your destination sweeter.

For more from Lucille Williams check out her books The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace, and for your marriage, From Me to We, and The Intimacy You Crave. And Turtle Finds His Talent for ages 2-6. We invite you to subscribe to LuSays today for weekly encouragement.

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