Choose Kindness

While scrolling through social media I came across a letter which stopped me in my tracks. I’d like to share it with you…

Hi ladies,

Tomorrow will be my last clean for [name of bank]. I have made up a bucket of ISS cleaning materials for the next cleaner, whoever that may be. I’ve left the job, Janice, after the way you dressed me down in the office it was nothing more than aggressive and cruel, but that’s a reflection on your character not mine. So going forward, please, all of you remember IN A WORLD WHEN YOU CAN BE ANYTHING…BE KIND, because you are ALL no better than the cleaner.



If we ever feel like we are better than another because of our “position,” what we’ve really done is lower ourselves.

If our value comes to us from what we do, and not who we are, our value is diminished.

If we need to put others down to make ourselves feel better, we have a sad existence.

“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

-Luke 6:31

When faced with a decision about someone ask, How would I want it handled if it were me? 

When we feel like we’ve been wronged, and want to get even, ask, How might the other person be feeling?

When our marriage isn’t meeting our expectations, ask, How can I be a better wife/husband?

When we have an opportunity to be kind to another, ask, How would I want to be treated? 

“In a world when you can be anything, be kind.”

Lucille Williams is an author with a message of love and kindness. Order a copy of “The Intimacy You Crave” or “From Me to We.” Get weekly updates and SUBSCRIBE to LuSays today.

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