Bye Bye 2020

Many of us couldn’t be happier to see 2020 pass us by. It’s been a trying year for most of us. Many have lost jobs, loved ones, and struggled with their own health or the health of a close relative. I know for me, I can check the boxes for each one.

Some are saying this has been one of the worst years they have ever had.

What I’d like to propose—and please don’t hate me for this—is celebrating 2020 as one of my best years ever.

And here’s why…

Five Reasons to Love 2020:

1- My son got married in 2020. Oh my, this truly was a celebration of huge magnitude for our family. I wish I could say that our family has never been touched by divorce, but sometimes no matter how much you pray “things” happen. Therefore, this new daughter of ours was a gift beyond all gifts. Seeing your children happy is the best gift a mother could ever ask for. I can never regret 2020 for this reason alone.

2- I got to spend more time with my husband in 2020. Stay at home orders gave me more of my husband. I loved seeing him morning, noon, and night. I never get sick of that man, and I am always overjoyed anytime I can spend more time with him.

3- I saw my grandkids more in 2020. Every grandparent knows this needs no explanation. We “quarantined” with my daughter, son-in-law, and our grandkids. The joy of seeming them more often was priceless.

4- My husband and I got ministry clarification in 2020. Doing ministry has always been one of our greatest joys, and we’ve made serving others our life mission. This year having to stay home more–mostly–and serve in a different capacity, has given us laser focus. We’ve been refreshed and rejuvenated to continue on until Jesus comes.

5- I worked on my mental health during 2020. Yes, this is code for therapy. I figured lockdown was a great time to work on my issues. Of which there are many.

How about you?

I’m sure, like us all, you’ve had some challenges.


Can you dig through the muck and find the gold?

Perhaps you can write your own Five Reasons to Love 2020 list…

Mourn your losses, and celebrate your wins. There is a time for both.

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every matter under heaven—A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.

-Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Lucille Williams is the author of “From Me to We” and “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes”  order a copy today to enhance your marriage. Subscribe to for weekly encouragement.

2 thoughts on “Bye Bye 2020

  1. This is an excellent perspective, Lucille! Here are a few of my reasons to like 2020:
    1. I could sing along to the songs in the grocery store & no one knew.
    2. I could pray quietly in the Spirit as I shopped &, again, none the wiser.
    3. Like you, I greatly enjoyed more time with my hubby.
    4. My daughter didn’t feel so left out of life due to her health issues because all of us were stuck at home too.
    5. We grew closer to our grown kids with the extra time together.
    Not in order of importance but good stuff nonetheless.
    Another fave is that many, like you & me, got to deal with some issues due to the slower pace. Yep, code for therapy. 😊♥️

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