Beauty in the Ashes – A Time for Change

You may have seen it. When you turned on the news there was rioting, looting, destruction. There was pain, anguish, and fear. There was trauma that boiled out and on to our streets. People hurting other people. It was painful to watch.

Maybe you witnessed it personally and not just on TV.

And then I saw it.

The beauty.

Among the looting a reporter was following a story. There were two men outside of their business with big guns—what kind I do not know—but they were big, and strapped to their chest with bullets.

They were protecting their liquor/market store.

Then I saw her.

There was an African American woman standing with them. She was unarmed and her husband stood with her and the storeowners.

The reporter asked her, “Why are you here?”

What she said was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

“This man gave me diapers when I couldn’t afford diapers for my kids.”

She was there to help protect this store. She was standing up. She was standing out. She risked her own safety for the good of others.

She was hero in the midst of the chaos.

Then I saw him.

There was another news report of an African American man bringing a case of bottled cold water to a choir of police officers standing at attention.

He said, “I know you’re doing your job. I know you’re thirsty.” They responded with gratitude and multiply thank you’s.

He was standing up. He was standing out. He looked out for the good of others.

He was a hero in the midst of the chaos.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

– Romans 12:21

It’s time to stand up.

It’s time to stand out.

It’s time to overcome evil with good.

It’s time for change.

Lucille Williams is an author with a message of love and kindness. Order a copy of “The Intimacy You Crave” or “From Me to We.” Get weekly updates and SUBSCRIBE to LuSays today.

4 thoughts on “Beauty in the Ashes – A Time for Change

  1. hi Lu,
    This is just the thing I needed to read tonight. I carry such sorrow and at times anger when I see all the injustice on both sides. I have had to pray often. Thank you for the two beautiful stories you shared. God is Good.

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