And They Left For the ER…That Was the Middle of the “PERFECT” Holiday

And they left for the ER, that was the middle of this holiday story. But let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

I was over the moon excited! My whole family would be together for this Thanksgiving holiday celebration. My son along with our almost four year old grandson was flying in to join us. *plane emoji

I couldn’t have been more thrilled as the week approached. We talked about it for months and little guy routinely asked, “Are we going on the plane today, Daddy?”

The week, and the day of Thanksgiving was going to be magically perfect—that was the image in my head. The plan was to drive from Santa Clarita to San Diego early Thanksgiving morning and meet Great Grandpa (my husband’s dad), and Great Uncle (my husband’s brother), for breakfast, and then go back to my father-in-law’s house to prepare a turkey dinner.

At first my brother-in-law was a bit concerned that all nine of us would be invading Dad’s home with three of us under the age of four. It was a legit concern, he’s ninety-seven years old. Plus, he’s quite particular about his home, and rightly so, HE’S NINETY-SEVEN, he has the right to have things the way he wants them. He has a beautiful, spacious home with off-white carpet, some antique furniture, and valuables throughout the house. In other words, there was much the kids could overrun.

Even with all the concerns they still wanted us to come for the holiday. *raised hands emoji

My son and grandson flew in on Sunday night, and along with our daughter and her three-year-old son (leaving the nine-month-old little baby girl home with Dad), we all headed to City Walk, and had a wonderful first night.

Monday was a fun-filled day ending it with the lights at the LA Zoo.

And then, Wednesday morning while preparing breakfast for my grandson while the others slept, I heard a faint voice calling. It was my son, he was still in bed but feeling so lousy he could hardly get up. After a trip to the doctor’s office we found out he had Influenza B. This was the first glitch in my perfect master holiday plan. *cry face emoji

He slept most of Wednesday, and we got to spend time with our grandson, which was wonderful. We figured our San Diego trip was cancelled but our son insisted on going. So, we would forge through. Charge!

Early Thursday morning we hit the road at 5:30 a.m., and of course it was raining heavily, which added time to our drive. Our daughter, son-in-law, and two kids followed as we drove through the storm. Our son tried to sleep as we drove, but his stomach was way too upset for any good sleep. Were we making a mistake in taking the drive? He wanted to see his grandfather and uncle, who could blame him? He hadn’t seen them in years.

Two and a half hours later we arrived at the designated restaurant. Our California grandkids had started displaying signs of despair. Oh no, are they getting sick? Noooo.

We arrive at my father-in-law’s, got the flu sick patient comfortable, and tried to carry on the day as planned. Kids fighting over the colors of the remote control cars, Dora the Explorer on the TV followed by football watching, a lot of “don’t touch that” and food preparation was underway. I did enjoy the food preparation with my husband who always takes the lead in the kitchen on this turkey day. *turkey emoji

In the midst of, “I want the blue one!” “No, I want the blue one!”

“Boys, the cars are both the same, just different colors.”

“I want the blue one!” “No, I want the blue one!”

Please somebody, help me…Ugh! *eye roll emoji

Nine-month-old baby girl started acting very strange. She wasn’t happy when she’s usually always happy, and her face indicated she wasn’t feeling well. And big brother had eyes that looked glassy. Both kids were starting to show signs of a cold or something coming on.

As soon as dinner was about ready, baby girl began really fussing and had developed a fever. Her parents instantly got on the phone trying to locate a place to bring her to be seen by a doctor. The best place was the closest ER.

They quickly packed everything up…

And they left for the ER.

About an hour later we got word that baby girl had an ear infection, and that they were on their way back.

Thanksgiving dinner was now in progress, at which time this vegetarian, who occasionally eats fish, turns into a flexitarian, and eats turkey. Yup. And it was good, very good. *thumbs up emoji

The tired parents of now two sick kids, joined us for Thanksgiving dinner. In the middle of the festivities, our daughter moved to the floor to feed baby girl her baby food—carrots and sweet potatoes. The toddlers were already done, and running and playing.


The boys ran over the baby food and spilled it all over the off-white carpet. The off-red carrots and sweet potatoes splattered all over the off-white carpet! Not just a little spot, oh no, it was sprawled out all over about the length of a seven-foot-plus basketball player.

I couldn’t hold back the laughter. *laughing emoji

As the others scrubbed the carpet I got to hold baby girl, and she slept as I held her. It will be one of those precious moments I will cherish forever.

Well, my “perfect” Thanksgiving wasn’t perfect, but it was special. We were all together and “put up” with each other—sick kids, sick adult, spilled baby food, a three-year-old who got tripped by the ninety-seven-year-old. (Was it on purpose? We don’t think so). *hands in the air emoji

Isn’t that what family is all about? 

Oh, and a knob was pulled off the antique cabinet, but don’t tell anyone. *shhhh

We all drove back home that night, and the next day our daughter and son-in-law were taking care of two sick kids, while we tended to the sick adult, and enjoyed our almost four-year-old grandson.

I love my family.

How was YOUR holiday?

As you can see, mine was perfect. Ha! *heart emoji



Lucille Williams is the author of “From Me to We” and “The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes”   order a copy today to enhance your marriage. Subscribe to LuSays for weekly encouragement.

2 thoughts on “And They Left For the ER…That Was the Middle of the “PERFECT” Holiday

  1. Thank God My Thanksgiving was nice. Smaller then usually but peaceful and Loving , Yep those Grandchildren are priceless. And the Food & Wine was good . Thanks for Asking. Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday’s.

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