Top 5 Things I Am NOT Thankful For At Thanksgiving Time

667872_22138476 Top 5 Things I Am NOT Thankful For

  1. Turkey – I AM A VEGETARIAN! Thanksgiving is all about the TURKEY. I hate touching it and I hate stuffing it.
  2. Texas – I don’t like Texas during Thanksgiving because that is where my son and daughter-in-law will be, and not with us. I suppose it is not Texas’ fault but that is where they live, so I am blaming Texas.
  3. Christmas Carols – I don’t like hearing the SAME Christmas Carols over and over and Thanksgiving is the kick-off of Christmas music. I LOVE Christmas and Christmas music but the over and over part gets a bit much for me.
  4. Shopping – Thanksgiving starts the Christmas shopping season and I hate to shop with crowds. Period. That’s it!
  5. Decisions – During the holiday season there are a lot of decisions to make. What gifts am I going to buy? What am I going to wear? What am I going to cook? And on and on and on. I am terrible at making decisions. I hate making decisions. It is way too much for my brain to process during this “wonderful” time of year.  Therefore, making decisions made my top 5 things I am NOT thankful for.

Now, before you think I am completely shallow, I would like to finish this post with my top 5 things I AM thankful for.

 Top 5 Things I Am Thankful For

  1. My husband – There is not a day that goes by in which I don’t stop and think, “Wow, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband.”  I have to make sure to do the dishes otherwise he will clean the kitchen before he leaves for work…after he makes the bed. He is always happy to come home at the end of the day and spend time with me. He always listens to my woes and gives great advice. He is the best leader I know, and I would follow him anywhere. He buys me anything I ask for and encourages me to travel even when he can’t get away from work to join me.
  2. My kids – My kids are the best in the world. I enjoy them so much that I often forfeit time with friends just to spend more time with them. They make me laugh and they make me proud. Watching them serve the Lord is a blessing beyond all blessings. In Proverbs it says, “Her children rise up and bless her,” and it is absolutely true for me. My children make life a special gift every day and I am thankful every minute as their mom.
  3. My kids’ “significant others” – I love the choices my kids made in regard to significant others. I love my son’s wife; it is like having another daughter. I have asked him, “How did you get her?” and said, “Don’t mess this up!”  She is an absolute delight and the type of daughter-in-law every mother hopes for. And, I love my daughter’s boyfriend. I also say to my daughter, “Don’t mess this up!”  Most say that no one is good enough for their daughter, but I don’t feel that way with her because of the amazing man she is dating. I love his visits and hope he never goes away. I am so very pleased with my kids’ choices and would have picked the same, if I were able to choose for them.
  4. My friends – I truly have friends that are like family, and I am thankful for each and every one of them. They know me, and they still like me in spite of myself.
  5. My God – I love God more each day. The closer I get to my Lord the more I am thankful for His love and mercy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Be thankful for life, love, and laughter. Please make a list of your own; it is good for the heart. Blessings to all! And don’t focus on the annoyances that make your top 5 things you do not like during Thanksgiving.

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