To My Valentine: Applause For My Husband

On this Valentine’s Day let’s just pause the candy, flowers, reservations, shopping madness and express our appreciation for our loved one. We can get so caught up in the frenzy of the day and not appreciate what we have. Stop and breathe in the love you have and reflect on all that’s good.

This post is dedicated to my husband for the amazing man and husband that he is.

My dear husband, this post is for you…

Ten reasons I appreciate you on Valentine’s Day:
  1. You always come home. It’s true, the highlight of every day is seeing your car pull into the driveway and seeing your beautiful face.
  2. You love me even on my worst days. Even at my worst you still stick around. Even on days I’m sick, grumpy, nasty, or tired you still want to hang out with me. It’s baffling sometimes.
  3. You get me a glass of water every morning. It’s easy enough, and I love it each time. You know I drink water first thing every morning, and when you go into the kitchen in the morning you always fill up a glass of water for me. This gesture of love pours into my love bank account daily.
  4. You check on me. For real. I just got a text—like, right now as I write this—from you checking in on me, and telling me you love me.
  5. You are kind to others. One of the most romantic things about you is how kind you are to others. Getting a front row seat to watch how well you treat others continues to be a blockbuster hit for me.
  6. You work hard. You love all out and you work all out. You love people generously and big-heartedly, and you work generously and big-heartedly, which is one of the most attractive things about you. Watching you work is electrifying. Which is why I will sometimes “set up camp” and watch you work on projects at home. I might be reading but I’m enjoying your gusto.
  7. Fighting with you it’s that bad. Even when we are fighting—I know, I know, I know—without a doubt, we are okay and we will work it out. This assurance gives me constant peace. The fact that you’re willing to wrestle through things with me tells me you’re all in.
  8. You’re smarter than me. But don’t tell anyone, please. You always seem to know what to do. When I am completely at a loss and can’t seem to find my way, you help me sort it all out.
  9. You share your struggles with me. Sharing your perceived weaknesses with me is actually a strength. You are not afraid to admit areas you are working on, and that’s delightful about you.
  10. You get better with age. The older you get the better you get. You are continually growing with your relationship with God and growing as a person. I love that about you.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. Thank you for doing life with me, I can’t even imagine life without you.

Do you have a Valentine? Make your own appreciation list and share it. It might just be the best gift you can give.



Did you get engaged on Valentine’s Day? Order “From Me to We: A Premarital Guide for the Bride- and Groom- to- Be” by Lucille Williams and start your marriage off with a safeguard.

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